Our local DJ/club is a single universe 27 fixture DMX array using an Elation 192 channel DMX controller (I know, rather lame). I setup the hardware controller so the DJ can override the LED wash and floor lights while allowing the rest of the fixtures (scanners, acrobat, X-MOVE, X-SCAN, Reflex, VUE VI, etc. etc) to run the chases. This was a little hard on the DJ since we has scratching while trying to create some visual effects using manual sliders. After running the show and watching/helping him work the lights, I thought the MYDMX with a small MIDI keypad to select programmed scenes would work out better.
I purchased and installed the MYDMX software on my HP ZV6000 laptop (XP SP3 home) and a KORG NANO-Key USB midi keyboard so the DJ can run a show using this small keyboard next to his Traktor based system. I was hoping for a portable, small, and $ effective solution since the DJ booth was cramped. I was able to program MYDMX to create the effects and matched the Elation controller DMX channel assignment quickly and exactly. Installing the laptop under the table, and the small KORG next to the DJ, we were ready to rock. The hardest part was that I had to build the X-MOVE, X-SCAN and Reflex ADJ lights and the Chavet VUE VI definitions in MYDMX (they were incorrect).
First off, it worked right away - sort of. MYDMX was able to see the keyboard in CC mode and in normal note/octive mode. Assignment of the keys was simple. I was able to reprogram scenes during the night going between edit mode and user mode without to much distraction on the dance floor until we had a decent show (such as aiming the X-SCAN and X-MOVE and setting colors/strobes). Second, even thou it worked, it failed for the following issues;
1. if the MYDMX software did not have the scene button visible while in the 'user' mode, pressing a midi command for that hidden scene button instantly caused the MYDMX software to error and crash and halt the show. As long as I had all the scene buttons showing (max the user scene button window), it worked perfectly. Same for programming. Not sure if this is a laptop driver issue on the HP, but it has up to date ATI M200 video drivers. Also, it is a good idea to save your work constantly as I found out the hard way (again)!
2. The MYDMX software does not recognize more than one octave in the KORG Nano keyboard. Unfortunately, this provides only 25 scene selections rather than the possible 225. The CC mode of the Korg keyboard works fine in addition to the note mode, so in the end i had 50 possible MIDI commands/scenes from the NANO. I used them all. This is probably not a fault of MYDMX, since it may only suppose to see MIDI commands, not notes, anyway. But it would sure of been nice!
3. The DJ really liked the ability to bang away on the midi keypad sitting next to his system, setting colors and scenes to the music he would play, jumping between his software, scratching, and a small midi keyboard. He could memorize what scene/key best matched the song, and I always had one note/command as a blackout. It was a great idea, small and very cool. Plus the laptop didn't get the abuse.
So, if you are considering the KORG NANO series of MIDI keyboard, I would not recommend them for MYDMX. The club now wants a better hardware controller, even if hard to fit, rather than the MYDMX so I will be selling it.