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Hi All,

As I am now getting to grips with mydmx could you let me know the following..

Step Timing's: I am trying to sync some scanners to 'flash' in time to the beat of a tracks opening segment - I am pretty much there but the 'flash' is just going out of sync in a few places. Looking at the step times I am only able to adjust the last two segments in increments of 4, is it possible to change this so for example if my step time is 00:00:12 can I make it 00:00:13?

Intimidator Scan 100 Led Profile. I have 4 of these on my rig but in the 3d Visulisor the beam is nothing like the 'Real Thing' At the moment I have my lights set up and if for example I have the tilt on the mirrors set to go straight across the room on the 3d they are pointing upwards - I have checked the fixture setting's (X Y Z ect) and it seems to be correct in line with the actual lights on the rig?

and lastly a bit off topic from mydmx but I have two Acme mircaled's set up, both on channel 132. The problem I have is they don't do the same thing? So as an example if I turn the lights to blue Unit 1 will be blue and unit 2 will be red or unit 1 will strobe fast and unit 2 will strobe very slowly.

I have tried different dmx cables (brand new ones) in case it was a bad connection and also tried setting up a new profile with just them on it to test. This resulted in both lights doing the same thing but out of sync with each other so unit 1 would go blue and a second later unit 2 would go blue - all very connfusing !! hopefully what I have written makes sense !!

Thanks for any advice offered.

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Paul, I'll take a crack at question #3. You cannot, as far as I know, put two or more fixtures on the same dmx channel. Try separate addresses for each and I think it will solve that problem.
How do you like MyDMX? Our church is contemplating getting it. Now that Easter is over I can begin learning it before Christmas. From my brief experience using it on my computer it should be an immense help to programming and not having to interrupt other things at church to do the realtime 3D vizualization.
Forgive me for being brief but I am pressed for time. Smiler

1) No, sorry. what you see is what you get. Even if you were to change it too 13, it would revert too 12.

2) elaborate or maybe post a screen cap picture for me to see.

3) Are you positive it is not a incorrect DMX address on the 2nd unit? This would usually be the case. Link me to the manual and tell me which channel mode you are using and elaborate with specific example of the issue. Please. Smiler

Bcrouch, Yes it is OK to put two dmx lights on the same starting address. however both will respond exactly the same way and there is no way to get one unit to do something and the other to do something different.

Thanks Guys for your replies.

James thanks for the answer on the timings - I pretty much concluded that, but was hoping there may of been a work around although I also concluded the guys who 'should' be dancing will be enjoying themselves to much to notice the odd light going out of sync, so its is fine.

On the Scan Led I think I have worked that out as well - looking at the actual light on my rig the unit tilited forward (i.e. it wasn't flat against the truss bar) I adjusted this on the 3d and it seems to be near enough although I do have some other issues with this profile that I will post in a new thread later on.

On the 3rd issue, I am now pretty sure it is a bad unit after hooking up to my hardware controller it didn't do anything it was meant to according to the dmx traits in the manual so thats going back for a replacment

Bcrouch, I would highly reccomend mydmx it is pretty easy to use and for the occasions when you need help or advice this forum is a god send (no pun intended !!) Especially James (jingles) who always gets an answer (even if its not the one you want !!) It does have a few minor downfalls in my honest opinion and mainly that is the 3d visulisor although again this depends on what lights you are trying to program and if they have a profile or not although even when they do have a profile it is not always correct - although in fairness James always trys to help out here as well !.

For the record and as said you can put lights on the same channel, if you wanted you could even put all your lights on one channel although the result may be odd!! lol !!

My point in the original post may not of been clear sorry but what I meant is two of the same lights, this way you don't have to 'program' them seperately when you want them to do the same thing. Imagine you had a bank of 20 par cans and all you wanted them to do was change colour red blue green red blue green ect.. then simply put them on the same channel batch and you only have to play around with one set of sliders rather than doinng it 20 times for each unit! Now if you wanted each light to do something different then obviusley put them on seperate channel's.

thanks again all for the replies

Thanks, Paul and Jingles! I do stand corrected on the address issue. I was taught incorrectly and I do see the point. I cannot wait to get MyDMX. I've constructed the layout of our church already. I agree that it is very easy to learn, although some profiles need a tweak here and there. All of my movers are ADJ and that's a great place to start. I need to double-check my multiplex dimmer for my conventional lights but the preliminary indication from Jingles is that it will work with MyDMX. I appreciate this forum too because it has allowed me to ask the 'dumb' questions that are on a lot of folks' minds. I've been associated with theatre and church lighting for over 40 years but only about 5 using dmx. We use a Leprecon LPX-24 at our church and, although it is a fantastic board, we will really be able to utilize MyDMX in the many dramatic presentations we do during the year. Best wishes to you and yours!

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