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Reply to "VMS4 problems"

Originally posted by Mr. Paul:
Originally posted by BWB:
I bought the VMS4 and nine has two LED VU meter defects right. [...]

EN: I see that you are from Romania... why didn't you buy the vms4 from djsuperstore? (it's cheaper and they are not selling junks)

RO: De ce nu ti-ai cumparat VMS4 de la djsuperstore? Era mult mai ieftin si puteai obtine mult mai repede ajutor si service... ei si testeaza sculele si eventual iti pot oferi sfaturi despre ce pot fiecare Smiler


Salut !

Am luat de la Thomann deoarece pina acum au fost seriosi . Am reusit sa ma descurc cu virtualul in final . Problema este ca AA iti ofera un produs cu care initial nu poti face nimic , trebuie sa procuri/cumperi si softul , dupa ce il cumperi vezi ca de fapt VirtualDJ are o aplicatie empirica pentru acest produs . Am cerut suportul de la ei si inca se afla in lucru raspunsul de 5 zile .
Cu Tractor am incercat toate maparile gasite dar la apasarea butonului SYNC imi baga paraziti pe ambele canale , asta indiferent de mapare - am renuntat . Cu virtualul a durat mult pina m-am prins de setarea sunetului... avansata . A mai ramas problema ca nu pot asculta in casti melodia din lista PREWIU , trebuie sa o incarc in deck1/4 si de acolo sa o ascult in plus cross-ul de pe consola are efect asupra placi de sunet , nu si asupra softului. Maparea lui DJ.Dad de la VDJ e una "home-made" care nu integreaza produsul cu softul , are particularitatile specifice creatorului (schimbarea decku-rilor ) ...
Din start nu merg 2 led-uri de la VU-metru ....
In concluzie ... specificatiile sunt ok dar produsul e sub asteptari , facut ieftin si in graba .





I took from Thomann because until now have been serious. I managed to finally deal with the virtual. The problem is that AA offers a product that initially can not do anything, you got to buy / buy and the software after you buy VirtualDJ see that in fact has an empirical application for this product. I asked for support from them and it still is in response to five days.
The tractor but I tried all mappings found by pressing the SYNC button put my parasites on both channels, that regardless of the mapping - I quit. With virtual take long until I get sound setting ... Advanced. A remaining issue that can not listen to headphones PREWIU song list, you must upload in deck1 / 4 and there was an additional cross-listen on your console has an effect on sound cards, not the software. Mapping of the VDJ DJ.Dad is a "home-made ​​" product which integrates with the software, the creator has specific features (changing decku-s) ...
The two do not go home at VU LED meter ....
In conclusion ... specifications are ok but the product is below expectations, made ​​cheaply and in a hurry.

Translation is by GOOGLE


Last edited by Former Member