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UV cannon VS Wash

Instead of hijacking the other thread, I'll just start a new one...
Sierra and Jingles, you mentioned a UV Cannon.
I have been looking at UV washes, in the 100 to 400 watt ratings, but I wondered about the cannons. The name "cannon" led me to think that they would be more like a spot-light...concentrating UV in a small area but very brightly. Is that not the case?
To fill a large room, say 30X40 with UV light Would it be better to go with one large 400w UV in the center of the truss, or a couple of 100W's on each end? Considering also that the 100W lights are fluorescent, while the 400W is a Mercury Vapor bulb?
I am trying to simplify, and one or two lights would be MUCH easier than running cords for 12 Tubes...much less transporting them. lol.
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