i understand your frustrations and though there are parts in your message that i agree with, you have to know that every software no matter what it is, always have some kind of bug And even with beta testing, there are things that you can not work out without feed back from people like yourself. To simply write it off because of a few issues that can and will be corrected isnt giving it the true justice that it desurves. Yes, adding the "Semingly easy effects" generator is an add on, but its an add on because we wanted it to be easier for the end user to do complex programing simply. This is done by many many lines of code inside the generator to create these simple steps. If a single letter is off in a code of thousands of letter, it will cause a freeze or crash. We are working these bad letters out one by one....soon, it will not crash and you all will be happier untill then, please know that we are working as fast as we can to fix these problems.