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Software Based Music Sequencer Control of myDMX

After doing a search to see if my question was already answered, I became a little reluctant to post this... but I am in need so here goes...

What I want to do is use a software based music sequencer (GVox Master Tracks Pro) to control mDMX... I have assigned the 16 lights into the universe and have 80 faders to run the various colors and functions. I have asigned each light it's own midi channel... lite 1 has midi channel 1, lite 2 has midi channel 2... I have assigned each fader in myDMX to respond to a midi note... fader 1 responds to midi channel 1 note D3 and so on... when I play the sequence, the faders come on at the right time, but they do not shut off... so if I play a D3 for four counts, then an F3 for four counts, the result is D3 for the first four counts then D3 and F3 together for four counts... how do I get the fader to recognize when to shut off???

A relatd question, will velocity set the fader amount?... if the D3 is played with a midi velocity of 127 can it be full up? if the velocity is 65, will it be half way up???

My set up is as follows... Laptop A has the sequencer in it. I use two midiman 2X2... the first 2X2 goes to my drum machine where it sends the drum midi sequence on port A. the first 2X2 port B goes to the second 2X2 which goes to Laptop B which has myDMX on it...

like I mentioned, I can get the sequencer to play the drums... and send a signal to the myDMX software on the second laptop... and it recognizes note on... but not note off, and I am not sure about how to set different myDMX fader levels...

I guess I should mention that I do a lot of music sequencing of my keyboard... and all of the on/off/velocity/continous controllers work for the keys and drums...

My goal would be that if the sequencer plays a D3 at velocity 127 that the fader associated with that note would come on at 100%... if it is a D3 at velocity 64, the fader would be at about 50%... if I program a D3 8 beats long and crecendo from velocity 0 to 127, see the fader go from full off to full on over the 2 measures...

Help is very much appreciated!

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