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Just a note, I had a DCD PRO 1000 repaired, recently, and although the repair team met and exceeded my expectations. The shipping department did not. This item was sent over night on Monday 20 October 2008, with the calculated risk and plan that it would be repaired an return in time for business on Friday. Shipping was prepaid, red tag, meaning express overnight. Item was repaired on the 22nd, No one could tell me where the item was up to this date. The blame game was on for three days, Friday, Monday and finally Tuesday. It did go USPS, only because company represenatives un named stated they do both UPS and USPS, well it turn out, when items are sent USPS in this case the Company did not bother to get any reference numbers to track the product to ensure it's return. "take it up with the USPS" or words to that effect is what I was told by the service rep. Now I love American D.J. products and their service and I guest after 8 years of buying their products we are bound to hit a bad note. My advise or lesson learn is to only ship one way and have American D.J. bill you for the return shipping what ever method they deem, that will give them better hands on and allow them to respond more professionally as to where your product is.

I had a dead line to get this product return to it's club owner by Friday the 24th October 2008, the club busiest night, didn't make it because what I was told not enough business to justify going to the post office. I would have thought one customer was more than enough business to go to the post office, because after all that one customer would bring in another and another. Base on service along.
thanks you all for reading. No apologies needed as that will not make up for the service that was rendered or the needless loss of service to the club.
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