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Screen resolution

I have MyDMX 3.0 and have loaded the software on my home desktop, and also on my Surface Pro 4.  On my desktop the application is usable, can see most everything although it isn't always easy to see somethings due to the black background, and white lettering that isn't very bright(I understand why it is like this for doing shows in the dark...).  Screen resolution on the desktop is 1920x1080.  On the Surface Pro I can't hardly see anything, I understand the smaller screen contributes to some of this, the higher resolution(2736x1824) also contributes, however when I change the Surface to 1920 x 1080 it is still hard to distinguish menus, etc.  I saw on a FB forum where someone was running Daslight on a tablet and everything was much larger, easy to see, quite user friendly looking(not microscopic like I have now).  I can't find any option in the software that changes the size, fonts, etc.  Is there any way to make this more visible that I am missing?

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