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Reply to "Radius 1000"

Hi Ive purchased 2x radius 1000 about month ago.
And to be honest im a bit disappointed. Ive spent already many hours mixing and the more im practicin the more bugs im findin.Dont mean me wrong its a good stuff, especially when u take into account price of it, but my previous experience is couple of years with pioneers cdj800 where everything is simple and extremly intuitive.I cannot say that bout radius..So many useless time wasting funcions.To fast forward the track u need to keep holdin fast forward button and the longer you hold it the faster forward it goes. So if you want to check what is goin on in 30th and 60th and maybe 90th second of the track in less then 10 seconds - forget about it.Its so easy on cdj800..Scratch has a bit plastic sound, but overall jog wheel in therms of scratchin works perfect.I did basic test - turned jog wheel 360 degrees 20 times and the same anticlockwise - i came back to exactly the same time of track.Effects sounds good, but unfortunetly their parameters arent saved after swithin off device,so dont forget to set them up again before new mix Wink Im goin to buy mixer with effector in the nearest feature. Loops - to adjust the end of the loop you need to focus only on deck for at least 20 seconds before you will be satisfied with struggelin with the results - unacceptable when your audience is listening tracks form both decks. It reads audio and mp3 cd, both cdr and cdrw.I havent checked yet if it reads multisession discs.Loading time about 10s for cd audio and a small bit longer for mp3s.No problem with vbr coded mp3s-reads rewinds exactly the same as audio cds. On the first night i spent 6h continuously mixing-no overheating, no issues.So if the most important argument for you is mp3 - go for radius.As a bedroom player - absolutely fantastic stuff.To use them live - every second is precious and u waste too many of them to use most of the options, and you will stay with basic mixing.Hopefully there will be software upgrades which will change functionality of that deck. My final note 7/10.