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Q-Spand MKII - Interference Problem


I have just recently purchased an American Audio Q-Spand MKII here in the UK.

So far, I am very impressed. I have to say I like it very much and the WOW button really does WOW.

However, After flight casing the mixer up alongside my ****** CDN-88 I experienced some very unpleasant data type noises coming through the mixer into both speakers and headphones.

Basically, the flight case is a 4U front with an 11U slanted mixer space on the top. the arrangement in the flight case was obviously, CD Player in the front. Mixer at the bottom of the slanted space and CD Controller directly above that.

If I moved the controller either away from the mixer or lifted it slightly from the rails holding it in, it disappeared. Seems like contact with the rails that the mixer was sitting on seemed to cause the problem.

I have now re-flightcased in my other case, which is a 3U x 6U x 2U. Basically, a 3U slot for the head controller, 6U for the mixer and 2U for the CD player. All the rails for each item were isolated. The noise has completely diappeared.

I am however now picking up a slight power hum which disappears if I move the XLR Balanced output cables from their normal position.

I suppose my question is, are the Q-Spands susceptible to noise and is there anyway I can prevent or ease this.

Many thanks

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