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Problems with SDJ-1, no have Sound, HELPME PLEASE!!

hi everybody, i was bought a sdj-1 console on january in this year because i'm building a discplay, but only i've use in two times and in the third time that Sh*t the Console don't have a sound. I tried to connect on another amplifier but only have a little sound, very little... It's console put in on normaly and can mix on the sd card no problem.. but dont have a strong sound!! Please anyone can help me? I cannot send that console to the American Audio Service because i'm living on Venezuela and this bussiness is a trouble (Fuc*k donkey Chavez).. I would like to know if someone have the internal map with the electronics component, because I have some friends that have been experts on electronic's.
i really feel disappointed because i'm feel
stolen, theft, for this deceptive bid.. is not the best mixer.. poor quality
I Thanks full
Abraham Parada
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