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Reply to "Pocket Scan Quality..."

I can't say I agree with you 100% on that Billy,(bedroom light) I have seen the Pocket's used in catering facilities with decent sized dance floors, as well as bars that don't have a large budget for intelligent lighting fixtures and they more than handled the task. Let's face it we're talking affordable lighting fixtures, which for mobile work, and small bars and clubs perform very well.

Everyone is entitled to thier own opinions, I am familiar with many brands of lights, of things I've used personally, the omni rotoscan, which is a nice durable light, but very heavy and boring when compared to the pocket, does that make the pocket better??? No, but if YOU like the pocket then YOU should use it.

Roy, as I have said on many occasions, if you feel you would like to discuss the policy of the board please email an administrator, and handle the matter as a professional. To the best of my knowledge it's an automatic sensor that blocks out yes the names of our competitors, reason being, FREE ADVERTISING, think of it like this, would you advertise for a competitive dj company in your backyard? If you would, I'm surprised, but going foward please direct all questions to an administrator.