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P64 LED plus, strobing duty cycle

If I set my colors with channels 1-3 and then use channel 5 to activate strobing, I find that the duty cycle for the lights on is very brief for most of the range 16-255. In other words, the strobe value changes the rate at which the light comes on but it's only on for a brief time (like a flash going off), e.g., it's off most of the time then flashes on at a rate controlled by the strobing value. At a value of 255 I get a very nice flash that I'm satisfied with, but at values less than 255 it doesn't seem too useful.

Perhaps this is the intended behavior but I'm questioning it because I also have some lights that appear very similar to these (Venue Lighting from Guitar Warehouse) and on those lights when I change the strobe value, the lights maintain a 50% duty cycle, e.g. on half the time, off half the time, but the rate is affected by the strobe value.

Are my lights behaving as they should?
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