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Ok just a quick review Radius 1000 and MP3

I had a chance of Friday 24 April 2009 to play with the MP3 format and the Radius 1000, MP3 recorded from original CD at 256, 80 songs on one disk the same as 4 different CDs, No noticeable audio difference using RMX 4050 HD, QSC 3402, 2JBL MP415, and 2 CV EL36, processed by DBX drive rack, linked though AA QD 5 mixer
In this setting if anyone was thinking of doing the same, I would use the MP3 to the highest rating 320kbps, and limit the disk to 2 CDs per.
Number one although your can have over 80 tracks on one disk your ability to recall the individual tracks instantly become an issue as the night goes on, with 40 tracks per disk this would be more manageable.
In hoping this helps anyone who had doubts about the quality of sound when converting from original CD to MP3. There will still be some who have reservation but, this about those who still want to use CDs as oppose to Laptops. If you don't have a need to play back to back mixes which in the R & B / Hip Hop field that is a rare option, then loading 4 CDs per every 1 disk at 256 kbps becomes real advantageous.
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