I am looking at the Ice-101 as wll as the S-100. It's a matter of finances since I won't be getting any financial help purchasing these and I have to consider the usage of these, which will most likely be only this event. The good news is it won't be a one-off event.
It does sound like the Mr. Kool is ruled out though based on your highly useful description. Since I want to prime an area to have it ready for that one sequence, I can't wait 3 minutes before pumping more ground fog again.
It's similar issues why my Fog Storm 700 is not suitable for the task. That thing has duty cycles regardless if it being actively used or sitting in standby mode. When I need that sucker to shoot, I need it to shoot. When using it for Halloween, there were many times where I thought the wireless remote was acting up(I did have to replace the battery), but going to the backside and manually triggering it also didn't get fog happening, it became apparently what the problem is. But, again, we're talking a party-type machine, not a pro machine.
The snow issue is still there. The costs differenecs are HUGE. I have a dealer who will help me as much as possible, and he knows he's already got the business, it's just a matter of when can I free up funding.
I worry about things like control factors, as I don't really want to rely on the stage folks to hit their cues, I'd rather rely on my MIDI controller attached to myDMX or scenes in MyDMX to help move things along.
I am leaning towards the Antari units. It still meets my requirements of staying within the ADJ/Elation umbrella.
OK, so Mr. Kool for sure ruled out. I can't consider that for this application anymore.
The hazer decision is made as well, so I don't have to worry about that either. HZ-300. Again, Antari product.
So, let it snow, how big of a dent in my wallet will that be....
(I don't want to get a bubble machine!!)
I figure for routine maintenance, I can always integrate some of what I purchase into holiday creations!