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No Foggin' way


I'm having to deal with a lot of crap in regards to an upcoming show. Wash lighting is perhaps a dead point, but that's not to say I haven't listened as I'll be making purchases later when funding allows.

Today, I inquire about Mr. Kool and the Snow Flurry.

Mr. Kool:
How long will this unit put out for in a single stretch before it has to duty cycle? And how long would it take to fill or at least cover a 50X40 area? I don't think I'd have to fill an area that big, but that would cover stage, spill over to the floor area. I think I need the fog to stick around for at least 2 minutes. I don't think I'll need it again after the intitial scene.

Snow Flurry:
If I read this right, I can manually operate this. Again, like above, how long of a single shot do I get? I need it to last a maximum of 7 minutes, of which I think I really need it for less than 5 minutes. Has to be one shot, I'll only need it once for the event and even then, it's towards the end.

I would like it if there were more pictures of the remotes for thse items. I won't be operating these, but will have a dedicated person handling fog, who hopefully isn't making their own fog.

What will probably end up happening is since a hazer, fog machine, snow machine and ground fog will be all sharing 1 circuit, and the hazer will be the only continuous run item of the "atmospherics", I'm going to have to share the circuit. I am worried about the 1500-watt fogger, but I'll deal with that later on.

Thanks for sharing experiences.
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