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Reply to "New release out for Easy Remote APP"

Once my layout was set and the Easy Remote commands were mapped, it worked fairly well. However, I did have some issues:

- The app seemed to crash a lot while I was setting up my layouts.
- I can't figure out how to assign the position control to the four faders that control my movement (pan, fine pan, tilt, fine tilt).
- Likewise, I can't figure out how to map the color control to my three RGB faders.
- I understand that on/off buttons should be highlighted/lowlighted as they are toggled. However, I would love to see "group" buttons. For the most part, I'm assigning buttons to change scenes. It would be nice if the current scene button was highlighted but automatically toggled off and lowlighted when I pressed another which would then be highlighted. Right now, I'm just using the second button in the menu which doesn't highlight at all.
- The ability to set the color of a button would be awesome
