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Need help about some -probably- basics

Hello all,

I have been composing a light show for a week now. I encounter some issues about the software though, sounds very simple to me but just couldn't figure these out.

First of all, when I write a scene with multiple steps on BPM, even when I set the loop number as 1, it loops continuously. How can I make the thing one shot and set the last step as the final state?

Then there is the dimming issue on leds, I turn on-off fixtures but when I set a dimmer to 0 and select another fixture, previous edited fixture loses the color, goes to blue. So how can I keep the color when I turn leds off?

I just could't find a color copy/paste function.

Is there a grouping function on the software like hotkeys on spesific fixtures?

I know I asked a lot but looked about these around a lot and couldn't find any solution. I'd appreciate any help

Thanks in advance!


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