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Need DMX profiles

I would like to request a profile for a LED Dance Floor. Channels are as follows,

CV 0 - Dimmer for all
CV 1-24 - Dimmer for Single
CV 25-49 - AutoMode-1
CV 50-74 - AutoMode-2
CV 75-99 - AutoMode-3
CV 100-124 - AutoMode-4
CV 125-149 - AutoMode-5
CV 150-174 - AutoMode-6
CV 175-199 - AutoMode-7
CV 200-224 - AutoMode-8
CV 225-249 - Sound Active
CV 250-255 - All Open

CV 0-255 - AutoRun Speed From Fast To Slow

CV 0-9 - Strobe Off
CV 10-255 - Strobe Speed From Fast to Slow

CV 0-255 - Dimmer From Dark to Bright (Use with Channel 5/6/7)

CV 0-255 - Red Dimmmer

CV 0-255 - Green Dimmer

CV 0-255 - Blue Dimmer

Also need them for the Chauvet Motion Drape LED. Not sure if you need the specs on the channels but they are,

DMX Channel Assignments and Values
8-CH Channel Function Value Setting
1 Dimmer
000 ó 007 No function
008 ó 255 0~100%

2 Strobe
000 ó 010 No function
011 ó 255 0~100%

3 Red 000 ó 255 0~100%

4 Green 000 ó 255 0~100%

5 Blue 000 ó 255 0~100%

6 Programs 1-15
000 ó 015 No function
016 ó 031 Falling Star
032 ó 047 Diagonal Color Bands
048 ó 063 Color Pattern Chase
064 ó 079 Inward Arrow (L-R)
080 ó 095 Color Stack
096 ó 111 Multi-Color Freeway
112 ó 127 Color Wave (L-R)
128 ó 143 Color Wave (R-L)
144 ó 159 Color Bar Chase (L-R)
160 ó 175 Color Bar Chase (R-L)
176 ó 191 Windmill
192 ó 207 Fan
208 ó 223 Whirlpool
224 ó 239 Falling Snow
240 ó 255 Multi Box Frenzy

7 Programs 16-30
000 ó 015 No function
016 ó 031 Center Burst
032 ó 047 Outer Burst
048 ó 063 EQ Effect
064 ó 079 Rolling Color
080 ó 095 Horizontal Stacking
096 ó 111 Inner Zone
112 ó 127 Outer Zone
128 ó 143 Diamond Spread
144 ó 159 Single Diamond Squeeze
160 ó 175 Follow The Leader
176 ó 191 Crisscross
192 ó 207 X-Factor
208 ó 223 Double Diamond Squeeze
224 ó 239 Red X Factor
240 ó 255 Multicolor Rain

8 Speed 000 ó 255 0~100%

Thank you Jingles!
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