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Reply to "MyDMX 2.0 Profile requests"

Hi sewelljf. Well you posted something most of us suspected - Jeffrey dropped off the radar screen something in the Spring of this year and since then it has been a free for all regarding MyDMX. The on going issues and lack of support falls squarely in the laps of ADJ management. It is painfully apparent that they rolled out a product that failed in many ways to be actually ready for release and even now the lack of support and corrective actions speaks to the fact (whether accurately or not) that as a company, ADJ is floundering from mismanagement and/or systemic failures.
I suspect (from web searching and detective work) that the MyDMX software was developed by a company called Nicolaudie, headquartered in Montpellier France and private labeled and source coded for use with the MyDMX 2.0 dongle (and unsure who did the design work on that). Meaning...ADJ doesn't have much ownership or leverage it would seem. Makes us feel as if it is a step-child, neglected and abused, much like Oliver Twist - "please sir, more?"
On the profile issue, more recently one of the other forum members, technojohn, has been able to develop profiles - you will likely find posts in various places - but keep in mind he is doing this on his own time and cannot always assist expeditiously.
Meanwhile, ADJ should consider submitting an article to a technical journal or fire off a press release story entitled: "How to Kill a Product in Three Easy Lessons." Part 1 - release an ill-conceived and undeveloped product; Part 2 - provide sporadic and thoroughly inadequate technical support; and Part 3 - completely ignore the customer base and maniacally hope they disappear.