OK, here is your NON-AUTHORITATIVE answer from someone who has laid the smack down in regards to MIDI implementation in MyDMX:
Due to many shortcomings in MyDMX, SPECIFICALLY in regards to MIDI, MyDMX is only active with MIDI when it is the active/top application. Period. Accept that as fact/canon and move on.
Also, if you intend to use MIDI triggering via sequencer package(such as ProTools, Sonar, Stienburg, whatever), then DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT do this all on one workstation unless you enjoy unreliability, want to guarantee failure and crashes and otherwise have headaches for no apparent reason other than self-imposed.
Have MyDMX be on a fixed workstation/laptop. You can have external MIDI devices, such as USB controllers and anything hanging off a MIDI interface, PROVIDED you're not using a USB hub as MyDMX DOES NOT like being attached to a USB hub nor does it like any hardware attached to a USB hub either. I've been down that road, just let me save you time on that as well.
Any computer-based or hardware based sequencing MUST BE DONE on another bit of hardware, be it a laptop, workstation, composer keyboard, workstation keyboard or whatnot. Tie your MIDI stuff together via MIDI cables and interfaces as applicable and there you go.
More reality check: The more you fight what I'm trying to tell you to do, the longer you will go without a workable solution. I'm saving you tons of time and frustration, so PLEASE take this advise and move with it accordingly.
The reason this hasn't been addressed since March of 2009 is because I dealt with this in excruciating detail in 2008. Please, read past postings and search, it helps save loads of time.