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MIDI trigger while MyDMX in background


We recently installed MyDMX at our church where we use MediaShout presentation software throughout our services. MediaShout has the capability of playing MIDI files as part of the service script. I've seen several examples online of using MediaShout to drive a lighting console via MIDI, for example

I installed the Maple virtual MIDI cable and successfully used it to trigger scenes in MyDMX by playing a single note .MID file with Windows Media Player using the play/pause button on my laptop.

Now here is my dilemma: I got all this to work, but only when MyDMX is the foreground window. In order to play the .MID file from MediaShout, MediaShout must be in the foreground. I really need MyDMX to respond to the MIDI trigger while it is running in the background. Is this possible?
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