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Reply to "lights for a small band"

Randy, I have a small sound for hire and stage lighting production company in Stillwater OK. I want a similar type system for my own band. I have not found "exactly" what I want.

There are some foot switch controllers for DMX512 systems. I can't chew gum and walk at the same time, so I do not want to play bass in my own band and try to futz around with a foot switch controller that requires me to be fluent in knowing where I want to go quickly. The American DJ LED-T-FC is relatively new on the market (considering when I was trying to find something when I first got the LED fixtures). The LED-T-FC is dedicated to controlling just one single product, so that may not work for you. I also assume you saw the LS-80 LED system.

Thus my LEDs tend to get used mostly for the sound&lighting for hire company. We use a 24 channel Elation DMX512 board with six first generation ADJ P64LED fixtures.

I have seen some other products similar to the LS-80 LED system that had color changing LEDs and foot switch controls, but I do not recall any American DJ products' parts numbers...and to be candid, I suppose the other devices I saw were from a different manufacturer.

For what my opinion is worth, I own over 24 ADJ products and have owned at least that many more over the years. I have never returned any ADJ product for warranty or other repair. I have had a couple of other brands and felt the quality was inferior, so I don't do much shopping for gear from other brand names...

Again, take my advice with a grain of salt, but...I tend to use "par style fixtures" for stage wash which I tend to leave fairly static. We will "black out" and we will do some fading of intensity...and when running "for hire" for a hard working touring road act (lots of college age bands pass through our town) we will put one of the tech production crew (fancy name for soundman and roadie) on the task of operating the DMX-512 mixer...and the point I wanted to make is that having the sound "mixed out front" and someone sitting at that same table who controls the lighting lets you get a better show...

Oh, yeah, forgot...for "flash and attention getting" we usually use effects lights pointed towards the audience. If we use any Par fixtures for that, it is probably some spare Par 38 devices with gels on a LTS-50T tripod stand system with 10ft I-beam truss. While these Par 38 do "slightly" shine on the drummer and back light the band (nice for silloute the performers from behind)...but the main purpose is to put "color" in the eyes of the audience.

A lot of the outdoor shows we work have ambient lighting that really "washes out" the stage color wash effect...street lights, parking lot lighting, building security lights, signs from near by would be surprised how bright that gets. So, sometimes, my small lighting system (regardless whether I take the traditional 500 Watt Par 64 or the newer P64LEDs) I find that we use very light colors to get as much light on the stage as possible to make the band more visible...and we use the color on the back line to shine in the audiences eyes and give them the hint of often as not, when the 500 Watt Par 64 are on the down lighting for the band, I will take the LEDs and put them as back lighting. That way we can control the intensity of the LEDs for backlighting and "mood or emotion effect"...we can make the LEDs a much "darker" or more intense color of the same family of color on the front of the stage...for instance, we use a Roscolux #60 No Color Blue gel as one of the front colors and will use the darkest and most intense blue we can from the LEDs to suggest to the audience that what they are seeing is a "darker blue than they really see"...

Hey, it is theater of the's "show" business.

Best I got for you...

Good luck...