I value your opinion... and your points are well put, and are intuitive.
As a fellow certified audio, lighting, video and show control engineer I understand your thoughts completely.
I understand the industry thoroughly.
This feature that I speak of would be very easy for the software engineer to implement into there existing show designer consoles. It is a simple sweep of the dmx values up and down with simple control parameters that allow limits on the values and speeds, it is rather simple, however creates really amazing effects that any programmer would value greatly.
This is simply american dj/elation allocating their software engineer time to implement this feature.
I think the show designer 2 and 3 are good consoles for the price however i also feel that they could offer a few more options that their customers would really appreciate. It would also allow them to increase there market to designers and programmers that expect these features otherwise they simply will not choose the console.
Again this one feature that I'd like to see would not be difficult or costly to implement.
I would also like to see monitor outputs on the console .... this i realize would be more difficult to accomplish as now the need for a processor and more hardware would also be needed in the controller to achieve this. Yes I know the software is available to get a make shift version of this using a computer and running the software on there ( which I do ) but i dislike it. As an owner of a show designer 2 and 3 console I know their capabilities as well as their limits quite well.
This is not intended to bash american dj or elation but in all honesty I've been very disappointed with them lately for a variety of reasons.