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Reply to "light show videos"


Next time I am at a big show, I'll look for that ballyhoo button. It better be clearly marked.

Sort of like my large audio console, there is NO button marked "suck". So, if it's garbage coming INTO the console, it's garbage coming back OUT of the console. It's NOT my fault!

Seriously, think about it. ADJ and Elation, while trying to offer quality products, can't put those sort of expensive features into their controllers and expect to maintain the degree of affordability that their main clients expect. It's the difference between someone like me who bought a very expensive Allen & Heath ML5000 48B console(retails over $50K in my configuration) versus someone looking to buy a little Mackie or a Behringer.

When a company has big corporate dollars, money becomes less of an object. While I'm a small sound company that has over $250K in ressources and equipment, lighting isn't my main thing. So, I'm not going to spend a few thousand on a lighting console at this point in time when a small affordable rack mount unit will suffice quite nicely. And I've really just started to scratch the surface of what my DMX Operator can do, and with some imagination and creativity, a LOT can be done with such a basic controller.

Programming a light show on the fly is not something I get the luxury of doing at my events as they barely give me time to set up sound and lights, much less free time to program the stuff!!

Not saying you don't get what you pay for. As an audio engineer, I've been forced to create miracles with what basically amounted to metal cans and string in order to make major events work. If I can do that with sound, imagine what I could do with lights if I apply myself.

Costlier consoles have more stuff. But a DJ making $300 a night, probably working 2 days a month can't afford a $12,000 lighting console either! People who buy and use those sort of consoles tend to have a dedicated lighting operator. Just like people who hire my company are doing so because I am their dedicated audio engineer.

Point well made, but think of their target audience.