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Hookin' stuff up, cables

Howdy guys, I'm not a pro at this, just trying to make it work. I have an Elation DMX Operator, two Eliminator ED15s, and an Am DJ Spectrum LED.

First, the ED15 manual has no info on setting DMX addresses? Any ideas?

Also, when I hook them all up, the control is not working, if I just set the first ED15 to address one, and run i by itself, it runs fine, but if I add the second Ed15 as whatever address, it will not control it, but if I change it to one and hook it direct to theDMX controller, then it works, but not when both are hooked up. It's unclear in the ed15 manual whether the slave mode is the DMX control mode, but in "not slave" mode then they dont work at all.

Just seems weird. I have long DMX cables, so used shorter audio cables, but there is no shield connected, would that make a difference? I have termination resistor on the last one too.....frustrating.

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