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DMXing Revo 4

Quick intro...female full time mobile DJ, just joined from across the pond (Northern Ireland) and I have a wee problem with my new lights.

I'm the proud owner of two Revo set about DMXing them today on the rig. Over here the Revo 4s are very new, so I had to write the fixture file myself. Well..... I had full control of them, got them singing and dancing ....but not together! When they are doing patterns they are synchronised, as soon as I set them to sound to light on chase patterns they're not synchronised....and basically it looks pretty odd when they're doing different patterns. To get me through this weekends gigs I've master and slaved them (but then I can't turn them on and off when I want)until I can come up with a solution....or some kind person on here can point me in the right direction. Help?????
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