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DMX2 fixtures not responding (Mac)

Ok I recently purchased MyDmx2 and Installed the software and fixtures correctly but the lights don't respond to anything from the software.

What I have:
2 par 64 venue LeDs
4 DJ spot 250's
1 NSI 4600 dimmer pack
Mac Mini 2013 10.8

What I have done:
1.I installed the software correctly no issues ( except that the cd didn't work -.- ) good job adj
2. Patched lights correctly the lights are on the correct address that mydmx told me to put them in.
3. Checked all cables to insure that the cables weren't damaged.
4. I Used DMX cables
5. Swapped out fixtures to make sure the fixture wasn't causing the problem
6. The dongle has a solid green light and the ADJ logo is on

The lights are on a stand by mode but nothing happens.

So pretty much I have dotted my "I's" and crossed my "t's" what else could I have missed

The computer is up to date and so is the software.

Is there anything else I could do? Should I return the software and get it replaced ? Could the dongle be defective?

Please please help.

I'm in Pensacola fl so if someone is local that could help me let me know.

I need help ASAP
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