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[solved] dmx operator 384 chase sequence problem

Hi, i recently got this adj dmx 384 operator to replace my other 'made in china' (192) dmx controller because this one has 12 instead of 6 chases and for my little ilda laser this is great to create more variation with the 240 patterns/animations.

But.... I can't seem to find how to decently sequence my chases, it should be easy : Press the numbers of the chases i want to sequence, enter auto mode, press once every 4 beats on the beat button and go...

However when i do this, the controller will play each chase at least 3 times before it wants to go to the next chase, when i create a multiple chase laser show it is kinda sad it starts repeating every scene

Is there a way to make the controller play each chase only once?

I checked the firmware, it is V2.5

Last edited by grizzly
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