You are a good man, and I have learned it is okay to agree to disagree as I do with the whole MP3 issue, to all that uses MP3s ripped at 320 kbps and in such an environment with equipment that offer no real tangible degregation that would be the average night club or DJ not a music engineer, for the installs that I'm in and the rig that I have I'm sure that I'll be just fine. It amazes me however that no matter what anyone purchase there is always something they could have purchase better. If money was no object. Well money obvious is an object as view by American DJ Audio and the whole designed team who's sole goal is to make quality professional items that rivals the likes of the products that you have mentioned. The average club owner does not either want to invest into products like what you or others have or have no need to invest in the products like that. As you have mentions. Through out my 20 years plus in the bussiness I have develope key professional products that have proven themselves to be worthy of the professional circuit. My products are limited by choice to what is appropiate for my situation and those are American DJ Audio, American DJ Lights, JBL MRX line, Crown Audio, and DBX Drive Rack. This line far exceed any average club and mobile requirements out there. But again thanks for the education in engineer sound, but I think I'm going to be alright as my career in the Mobile and Club DJ closes.
Back to the subject at hand,
The Radius 3000 gives us the opportunity to take our DJ mixing to the next level however under the false lure that you can hook up and external hard drive with no limit to the amount of said Hard Disk drive via USB link and control your music without the use of a PC beit MAC or any other base system. There is no need to be bitter as I'm not I would have purchase the players just for the fact that you can have the ability to slap in a thumb drive for a song or two if the need arise. But be aware you are limited to 32GB no matter how it is inserted other than investing into software programs like Serato, or Tractor. Big ups to all that have and continue to contribute.