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Reply to "Digital scratch----What to get??"

What the heck Skilz...i just checked back. Remember I'm in Iraq again. Any way you know when I get home in a few months my pockets will be spilling over with tax free funds. I need another system and I was just wondering if I should hold off for the next inovation coming from American Audio. Come on Skilz at least give us an idea how long we have to wait if there is something new to show up on the internet and make us all drool. Oh and you better be making a whole line of new mixing videos for us to study and start over and over. Man I'm getting all excited like back in the day when I first signed up on this forum. I would be high on caffiene from coffee in the morning and REDBULL all night in the club. That is my only drug by the way. Caffiene it is legal and hopefully it stays that way...oh there I go again getting off the subject. Dare I ask the question....ARE THERE NEW TABLE TOPS ON THE WAY......??? I couldn't resist....i didn't mean to start rumors....did I do that...???? Oh man Big Grin Big Grin Cool Just in case you were wondering I just drank a cola beverage before reading this thread....sorry Big Grin