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Reply to "Difference In Lights"

If you're going to go through all that effort to repaint the cases, wouldn't powder coating be a better alternative?

If you take a look at some of my past youtube videos I have one that shows you how I painted my AccuSpotII's Flat Black .. I wouldent recomens doing it with the covers on you have a good chance of getting overspray on the moving parts and lenses, not a good ideia unless you are good with masking tape and a Xzacto Blade it just seems easer to take the covers off the same time I would do your recomended cleaning witha can of air or a small vacume to clear the dust to keep them cool and clean. If you want to see how just search for directsound on Youtube and look for the AccuSpot Mod video also you can see my videos on how to make a Flight Case from scratch to protect you investments and keep them safe.