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Chauvet Gigbar 2 - Derby & Laser Always on, Strobe doesn't work

I have my GIgbar and other various lights connected and working in MyDMX Go no problem. However, the Gigbar 2 is showing some strainge behavior. The derby lights and laser does change color and move with the scene, but they are always on and never turn off. They will change colors but always remain on. Is this by design or should these be flashing along with the other lights?

To test something, I removed the Gigbar complete from the fixtures list, and the 2 derby lights still remain on. The first is on both red and blue and the 2nd is on blue. I have other lights hooked up inline with the Gigbar, but the Gigbar itself is not listed in fixtures. Additionally, the Gigbar is set to start on DMX address 1 and my next closest fixture starts on 65.

When I press the blackout button, all lights black out except for the derby and laser. Those stay on but you will see a pulse every 0.5 to 1 seconds. When pressing the blind button, those 2 lights stay off and the others turn bright white as expected.

Aside from those 2 not working properly, I noticed that the strobe never seems to fire either.

Last edited by bigLanky34
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