Its actually not a lot. A lot of the stuff is used and reused, just different colors/gobos/speeds. I don't now if it is possible in MyDMX to load a scene, change something like color or gobo, and then re-record it as a new scene. If it is, then that will say you a ton of time right there. Setting positions is the most time consuming thing. Colors and gobos are easy, especially if all the fixtures are the same or there is some pattern like odds/evens stage right/left, etc. I am again not sure if this is possible in MyDMX, but with that you can select all your fixtures as groupings and it saves time even more. I am pretty sure both of those things are possible in MyDMX, jingles or Chris can confirm.
On a side note, that guy needs to reset his fixtures/calibrate his pan and tilt values. That drove me insane from the moment the video started through the whole thing. Sorry, very picky with things like that. One of the reasons why I can't go see live shows anymore.