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Reply to "App crashing on iPad"

DjRobMix posted:
Key4Quality posted:

Last Saturday my ADJ crashed, didn’t respond at all for over an hour. Tried off/on, power disconnect, WiFi off/on on iPad, second iPad - nothing. “Incorrect password” my iPads responded, when trying to log in.

Okay, over 200 guests in da house, mobile phones, Bluetooth and so on. But set 1 okay, set 2 NO CONNECTION, set 3 YES, CONNECTED AGAIN! No idea why, didn’t change a thing, had given up, thought the device broke down.

 Been searching for days now - and connected a LINKSYS WiFi repeater (to be able to use 5Ghz too...). Up and running flawlessly for over 48 hours now. But I don’t have 200 cellphones to test the stability...


I'm having a lot issues with my device lately. can you please let me know the steps and how you connected to a wifi repeater?? 

Buy a WiFi repeater and select the ADJ network to connect / repeat; read the manual of the repeater how to.
