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Anyone Else Having Problems With SDJ2?

My SDJ2 has less then 30 hours onit and I get snapping, craking, skipping and freeze ups during playback. I have tried different slots, different sides, different kps, different file formats (FAT/FAT 32/NTSF) and differents cards (2GB/SD/FAT or FAT 32 and 4 GB/SDHC FAT 32 or NTSF). It seems none of this matters. It only tolerates certain brands. Even that I'm not sure about. Oh also at the end of some songs with 10 seconds to go it may skip as well.

I'm wondering if anyone else has any issues with this unit.

I tried to contact AA via thier 1-800 number it goes to ADJ but no answer.I left voice mail with tech support but no call back.

Seriously though, it can't be that fussy that it only accepts certain brands of SD cards. I'd like to hear from you guys packing SDJ2s.
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