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accu spot 250 & accu spot 250 II addres & dimmer value.

I have 2 accu spot 250 & 1 accu spot 250 II
,I am using a Freekie dmx controller .

I want to run all 3 in different channels ,so I need to know wich will be the right addres for each one.

I know fixture 1 wll be addres 1 , fixture 2 will be addres # 13 ,& fixture 3 will be addres #25 right?

I n the accu spot 250 II owners manual in the rdmx seccion says:
The unit will be shipped preset in 16 increments from the factory .
According to this fixture 1 = #1 fixture 2 = #17
and fixture3 =#34 ???

Please I need help in getting the right addres for my lights , also I need to know the value of the dimmer in 8 channel operation.
And the dimmer value for the accu spot 250 Please??

Some body help me!!
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