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Reply to "A Few screen shots of my newest rig."

Right, the recording thing does not work within MyDMX. You can capture a snapshot, which it does as a BMP file. For what I intended to use it for, that worked perfectly. Not ideal for showing animations of course, but ideal for what I chose to take an image of.

I tried FRAPS, but it seemed it was more screen oriented rather than window oriented. I'm going to give it a second shot though. I like Snagit better, which I used a LOT to make my animatics. The 15fps capture rate isn't an issue for my project. But since FRAPS is free, I intend to give it more of a test.

Right now, I have my own design to do and then capture it to make an animatic of at least the first hour of a 97 minute film until the director gives me a complete script!

Quick preview is right here:

Repo The Genetic Opera

From the scene "Zydrate Anatomy"

And just to clarify, I'm not into this movie, it's a job.

WARNING: Please sit down before viewing. No, not because you're going to be amazed by its awesomeness, but because you don't want to fall down and hurt yourself because it's so lame. Barf bucket optional.